Back to School Night

Kealing Middle School
Back to School Night

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm

Come to Back to School Night, meet your student’s teachers, and get the information you need to support your student this school year.

Additional parking will be available at:

  • South Austin Community Church Parking Lot 
  • George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center

5:30-5:50pm: Optional Welcome from Mr. Estes & PTA in the Cafeteria
            (Join PTA, order spirit wear, sign up to volunteer)

6:00-7:30pm: Classroom Visits
Student schedules will be emailed to the primary parent contact on Wednesday morning. You can also access your student’s schedule via the parent portal. Click on the Frontline SIS Self-Serve tile and then click Schedule.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

